Yesterday was Memorial Day and my eight-year-old, Mika, asked me what Memorial Day celebrates. I explained Memorial Day was technically not a “celebration” even though that is the way the holiday is represented in current times. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance and reflection on those who gave their lives in service to the citizens of the United States of America. I explained our military members have fought and died to protect those of us left behind at home. Every one of those men and women most likely believe they were fighting to protect us, and it is our job to remember them. (Personally, I find the commercialization and idea of a Memorial Day sale on a day of remembrance offensive, although perhaps military personnel do not feel the same way and I should keep my opinions to myself.)
Mika’s next question was much more interesting to answer. I am going to tell you now, you may not like what I say next. Feel free to leave now so you still love me tomorrow. Mika then asked why we have wars. I kept my answer simple, but I did not sugarcoat it even a little bit. I told Mika most wars throughout history were caused because of religion, lust for power, and hate. I also told Mika all three issues are usually intertwined in every conflict. I could write a book about how I believe religion has been perverted throughout history by those with a lust for power and a lot of hate. (I may write a book on the issue, if I live long enough (probably not even if I do live long enough), however if I do, I am pretty sure nobody will still love me tomorrow.)
I received a call from Dr. Doom and Gloom’s medical assistant today. My protein levels were low when they reviewed my last blood test results and she suggested I drink Boost or Ensure. The good points about Boost and Ensure are because of my low protein levels, I could get insurance to pay for the drinks, and the drinks do have more protein than milk alone. The bad points about Boost and Ensure are the drinks are nasty and I cannot force myself to swallow them. I told the medical assistant I would eat some more meat. I do not understand why the protein powders are either chocolate or extremely sweet. I do not like chocolate and the amount of sugar the manufacturers put in protein supplements to get many people to drink them is simply too much sugar for me. (I do not think anyone would describe me as “sweet” artificial, or otherwise.)
My poor significant other, Donald, keeps trying to feed me like I could eat before I was paralyzed in my automobile accident more than 20 years ago. I know Donald means well; he loves me and wants me to be healthy. The problem I have with food (other than the fact cancer has ruined my enjoyment of food) that Donald does not seem to understand is I simply cannot eat if I am not hungry. The amount of food I consumed dropped immediately after my automobile accident. Once I was no longer doing the intense daily physical activity, my body no longer needed calories. It is quite common for people who become paralyzed to gain a lot of weight shortly after their accident. I never gained weight because my brain told my belly since I was not participating in a lot of physical activity, I did not need to eat the same amount of food.
I ask Donald to place my meals on small plates so perhaps he will think he is giving me a decent amount of food, in his opinion. Unfortunately, he frequently simply tries to overfill the plate, and then, not only do I not eat all the food he gives me, but I also generally have the tendency to make a big mess. You would think after more than 20 years, Donald would quit trying to give me so much food. I know it bothers him when I do not eat all the food he gives to me. I am fairly sure Donald thinks I do not eat all the food because I do not like what he makes and that is simply not the truth. I do not eat that much food because I quit eating once I am not hungry, and it takes very little food to get me to the no longer hungry state.
My piece of advice to you is to try harder to eat what other people make for you. Donald has been providing meals for me for more than 20 years and I appreciate it even if he does not think so.
Until next time,
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