On Tuesday, my seven-year-old, Mika, and I had our weekly walk to school to pick up a bagged lunch. We do not need to get a lunch from the school, the food we already have at home is much better than what the school sends home with us. Mika and I walk to the school each week simply to get out of the house for a while and have a purpose. The school provides lunches every day, but the food is not particularly good so once a week is enough for me. Plus, it is still chilly most days and I do not want to leave the house.
On Wednesday, I called one of my video recording volunteers to chase down a late recording of my friend reading one of my journal entries. This is the fourth time I have felt desperate about getting a video posted on my scheduled day. The first two times I had video issues I was able to get last-minute replacement readers. This time and the time before I was able to connect with my volunteers and they recorded their videos right away so I could get them posted on time.
While I was talking to my volunteer on Wednesday, she asked me if I wanted her to tell me about any typos she found in my writing. I told her yes and she told me I had written mikes instead of miles in her assigned post. I have decided I have watched too much Seal Team if I am starting to use military terms in my writing. My volunteer sent me the completed recording Wednesday night, so I was able to edit and upload the video on Thursday and it was ready to go as scheduled. Woo hoo!
On Friday, I had to get up exceptionally early because my lab appointment was scheduled for 8:20 a.m.so I could do my chemotherapy at 10:00 a.m. Every time I switch to different chemotherapy drugs, I need to sign a new consent form. I took advantage of the little break between the blood draw and chemotherapy treatment to roll to Dr. Doom and Gloom’s office and sign the new consent form. The chemotherapy itself went quickly, Benadryl, steroid, poison, go home.
My friend, Star, rides the bus home with me when I start a new chemotherapy treatment in case I feel the need to toss my cookies on the way home. So far, the steroids I get with my treatment keep my tummy settled for the weekend and we have not needed to use my bucket. On Friday I almost missed Star after my treatment. Thanks to the COVID-19 precautions, Star was not allowed to come to my treatment area as she usually does. Star was told to stay in the waiting area, and I do not go into the waiting area on my way out.
Star had asked a nurse to tell me she was in the waiting area, but I was not told and rolled to the bus stop when my treatment finished. When I arrived at the bus stop, I dug my mobile phone out of my purse and called Star’s mobile number. Star told me she was in the waiting room and I told her to hurry to the bus stop because the bus would be there any minute and I intended to get on the bus with or without her (I am not a good friend).
Yesterday, my steroid high made me think I could start a completely new project and I excitedly started fleshing out the idea. Fortunately, I realized today there is not any chance I will do said project, so I only wasted a day planning how to make the project work. I did have an exceptionally good idea and I might gift my idea to someone who will do it justice. The idea does require someone who can focus and stay on task well to implement in a successful manner.
My piece of advice to you is to acknowledge your limitations. I only have so many hours in the day and my days are full. If I thought my new idea would be an immediate money maker, I might drop another task to make room for it. Since I think it would take at least a year to make this a profitable project, it is not right for me. Once I am networking regularly again, I will find the right person to make the idea a success.
Until next time,
Please check out my GoFundMe page.